Life Insurance

Colorado Life Insurance

Colorado Life Insurance has many variables and decisions, such as, how much is enough and what type of policy is the best for you and your family.With this in mind we have put together a quick reference guide with definitions that will familiarize you with the common terms used in the breakdown of coverages available.

What we offer

Needs vary for life insurance and your choices can be Term Life, Universal Life, Whole Life, Variable Whole Life or a Variable Universal Life policy, each type of insurance has its advantages.

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Types of Colorado Life Insurance

Their are many types of life insurance to fit individual needs and circumstance. The following are some of the basic types of life insurance available.

Term Insurance

The simplest form of insurance. You purchase coverage for a specific price for a specified period. If you die during that time, your beneficiary receives the value of the policy. There is no investment component.

Whole Life

Similar to term, but you purchase the policy to cover your "whole life" not just a set period. Premiums remain level throughout the life of the policy, and the company invests at least a portion of your premiums. Some firms share investment proceeds with policyholders in the form of a dividend. Many companies will offer "a relatively low guaranteed rate of return," but in reality pay at a rate in excess of the guarantee.

Universal Life

You decide how much you want to put in over and above a minimum premium. The company chooses the investment vehicle, which is generally restricted to bonds and mortgages. The investment and the returns go into a cash-value account, which you can use against premiums or allow to build.

Variable Life

With a variable policy, there is usually a wider selection of investment products, including stock funds. As with a universal policy, returns on investments can offset the cost of premiums or build in the account. And depending on the type of policy, the beneficiaries will either receive the face value of the policy or the face value plus all or part of the cash account.

Colorado Disability Insurance

When a physical injury keeps you from working, Disability insurance can help get the bills paid.In reality, disability insurance is as important as (and in some cases, even more important than) life insurance. More become disabled than die that’s because at any given age the odds of becoming disabled are much higher than dying. In fact, every year 12% of the adult U.S. population suffers a long-term disability. One out of every seven workers will suffer a five-year or longer period of disability before age 65, and if you’re 35 now, your chances of experiencing a three-month or longer disability before you reach age 65 are 50%. If you’re 45, the figure is 44%. These odds would not be a problem if people had substantial savings that could be drawn on in the event of a disability. But that’s rarely the case, and any money that has been set aside has likely been earmarked for goals such as college or retirement.

Basics about the kinds of disability policies and options

The first variable is the amount of monthly benefit

Most disability policies have a fixed monthly benefit that does not increase with time, although you can purchase extra coverage, or riders, that offer higher payment schedules.

The second variable is the definition of disability

Whether it is “own occ,” or the inability to perform the duties of your specific occupation, or “any occ,” the inability to perform the duties of any job for which your education and training make you qualified.

The third variable is the waiting period

Or the amount of time you must be disabled before benefits kick in. These waiting periods can range from one week to two years, and the longer you wait the less your disability policy will cost.

The fourth variable is the benefit period

Or how long you will receive monthly benefits once your policy starts paying. The benefit period can range from six months to life, depending on what you choose as well as what your insurance company is willing to offer you.

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